sN = gg.searchNumber rN = gg.refineNumber ts = gg.toast dword = gg.TYPE_DWORD float = gg.TYPE_FLOAT byte = gg.TYPE_BYTE qword = gg.TYPE_QWORD XOR = gg.TYPE_XOR word = gg.TYPE_WORD A = gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS Ca = gg.REGION_C_ALLOC Ch = gg.REGION_C_HEAP Xa = gg.REGION_CODE_APP Jh = gg.REGION_JAVA_HEAP Other = gg.REGION_OTHER al = gg.alert sVis = gg.setVisible gVis = gg.isVisible pr = gg.prompt eA = gg.editAll mR = gg.makeRequest multi = gg.multiChoice clear = gg.clearResults gR = gg.getResults rdm = math.random equal = gg.SIGN_EQUAL save = gg.addListItems --Shorteners-- HACKS_LIST = "-switch POS-v1 -switch POS-v2 -switch POS-v3 -toggle POS," .."-switch Immo -toggle Immortal," .."-switch Carnivorous-Skill -switch Herbivorous-Skill -switch Omni-Bird-Skill -toggle Cooldowns," .."-switch Anti-Crash -switch Fly -switch Weather-Immunity -switch Call-Animals -switch Color-Picker -switch Custom-Gender -switch Gender-Color -toggle Utilities," .."-switch Transform -toggle Corpse-Switcher" function LOAD_HACK(f) if f:lower() == "pos-v1" then local r, e = sPOS_Name() if r then toast.success("POS V1 Changed successfully") else toast.error("POS V1 Failed: "..e) end end if f:lower() == "pos-v2" then local r, e = sPOS_Power() if r then toast.success("POS V2 Changed successfully") else toast.error("POS V2 Failed: "..e) end end if f:lower() == "pos-v3" then local r, e = sPOS_Player() if r then toast.success("POS V3 Changed successfully") else toast.error("POS V3 Failed: "..e) end end if f:lower() == "immo" then local r, e = sImmortalBlood() if r then toast.success("Immo Changed successfully") else toast.error("Immo Failed: "..e) end end if f:lower() == "carnivorous-skill" then local r, e = sPowerCooldownCarnivore() if r then toast.success("Carnivorous Skill Cooldown Changed successfully") else toast.error("Carnivorous Skill Cooldown Failed: "..e) end end if f:lower() == "herbivorous-skill" then local r, e = sPowerCooldownHerbivore() if r then toast.success("Herbivorous Skill Cooldown Changed successfully") else toast.error("Herbivorous Skill Cooldown Failed: "..e) end end if f:lower() == "omni-bird-skill" then local r, e = sPowerCooldownOmniBird() if r then toast.success("Omnivorous/Bird Skill Cooldown Changed successfully") else toast.error("Omnivorous/Bird Skill Cooldown Failed: "..e) end end if f:lower() == "fly" then local r, e = sFly() if r then toast.success("Fly Changed successfully") else toast.error("Fly Failed: "..e) end end if f:lower() == "weather-immunity" then local r, e = sWeatherImmune() if r then toast.success("Weather Immunity Changed successfully") else toast.error("Weather Immunity Failed: "..e) end end if f:lower() == "call-animals" then local r, e = sAnimalCall() if r then toast.success("Call Animals Changed successfully") else toast.error("Call Animals Failed: "..e) end end if f:lower() == "color-picker" then featureBuffer[1] = false local r, e = colorText() if r then toast.success("Color Picker Changed successfully") else toast.error("Color Picker Failed: "..e) end end if f:lower() == "custom-gender" then local r, e = sGender() if r then toast.success("Custom Gender Changed successfully") else toast.error("Custom Gender Failed: "..e) end end if f:lower() == "gender-color" then local r, e = sGenderColor() if r then toast.success("Gender Color Changed successfully") else toast.error("Gender Color Failed: "..e) end end if f:lower() == "transform" then local r, e = sSummonCorpse() if r then toast.success("Corpse Changed successfully") else toast.error("Corpse Switching Failed: "..e) end end end colors = { ['Black'] = "000000", ['Night'] = "0C090A", ['Charcoal'] = "34282C", ['Oil'] = "3B3131", ['Dark Gray'] = "3A3B3C", ['Light Black'] = "454545", ['Black Cat'] = "413839", ['Iridium'] = "3D3C3A", ['Black Eel'] = "463E3F", ['Black Cow'] = "4C4646", ['Gray Wolf'] = "504A4B", ['Vampire Gray'] = "565051", ['Iron Gray'] = "52595D", ['Gray Dolphin'] = "5C5858", ['Carbon Gray'] = "625D5D", ['Ash Gray'] = "666362", ['DimGray'] = "696969", ['Nardo Gray'] = "686A6C", ['Cloudy Gray'] = "6D6968", ['Smokey Gray'] = "726E6D", ['Alien Gray'] = "736F6E", ['Sonic Silver'] = "757575", ['Platinum Gray'] = "797979", ['Granite'] = "837E7C", ['Gray'] = "808080", ['Battleship Gray'] = "848482", ['Gunmetal Gray'] = "8D918D", ['DarkGray'] = "A9A9A9", ['Gray Cloud'] = "B6B6B4", ['Silver'] = "C0C0C0", ['Pale Silver'] = "C9C0BB", ['Gray Goose'] = "D1D0CE", ['Platinum Silver'] = "CECECE", ['LightGray'] = "D3D3D3", ['Gainsboro'] = "DCDCDC", ['Platinum'] = "E5E4E2", ['Metallic Silver'] = "BCC6CC", ['Blue Gray'] = "98AFC7", ['Roman Silver'] = "838996", ['LightSlateGray'] = "778899", ['SlateGray'] = "708090", ['Rat Gray'] = "6D7B8D", ['Slate Granite Gray'] = "657383", ['Jet Gray'] = "616D7E", ['Mist Blue'] = "646D7E", ['Marble Blue'] = "566D7E", ['Slate Blue Grey'] = "737CA1", ['Light Purple Blue'] = "728FCE", ['Azure Blue'] = "4863A0", ['Blue Jay'] = "2B547E", ['Charcoal Blue'] = "36454F", ['Dark Blue Grey'] = "29465B", ['Dark Slate'] = "2B3856", ['Deep-Sea Blue'] = "123456", ['Night Blue'] = "151B54", ['MidnightBlue'] = "191970", ['Navy'] = "000080", ['Denim Dark Blue'] = "151B8D", ['DarkBlue'] = "00008B", ['Lapis Blue'] = "15317E", ['New Midnight Blue'] = "0000A0", ['Earth Blue'] = "0000A5", ['Cobalt Blue'] = "0020C2", ['MediumBlue'] = "0000CD", ['Blueberry Blue'] = "0041C2", ['Canary Blue'] = "2916F5", ['Blue'] = "0000FF", ['Bright Blue'] = "0909FF", ['Blue Orchid'] = "1F45FC", ['Sapphire Blue'] = "2554C7", ['Blue Eyes'] = "1569C7", ['Bright Navy Blue'] = "1974D2", ['Balloon Blue'] = "2B60DE", ['RoyalBlue'] = "4169E1", ['Ocean Blue'] = "2B65EC", ['Blue Ribbon'] = "306EFF", ['Blue Dress'] = "157DEC", ['Neon Blue'] = "1589FF", ['DodgerBlue'] = "1E90FF", ['Glacial Blue Ice'] = "368BC1", ['SteelBlue'] = "4682B4", ['Silk Blue'] = "488AC7", ['Windows Blue'] = "357EC7", ['Blue Ivy'] = "3090C7", ['Blue Koi'] = "659EC7", ['Columbia Blue'] = "87AFC7", ['Baby Blue'] = "95B9C7", ['CornflowerBlue'] = "6495ED", ['Sky Blue Dress'] = "6698FF", ['Iceberg'] = "56A5EC", ['Butterfly Blue'] = "38ACEC", ['DeepSkyBlue'] = "00BFFF", ['Midday Blue'] = "3BB9FF", ['Crystal Blue'] = "5CB3FF", ['Denim Blue'] = "79BAEC", ['Day Sky Blue'] = "82CAFF", ['LightSkyBlue'] = "87CEFA", ['SkyBlue'] = "87CEEB", ['Jeans Blue'] = "A0CFEC", ['Blue Angel'] = "B7CEEC", ['Pastel Blue'] = "B4CFEC", ['Light Day Blue'] = "ADDFFF", ['Sea Blue'] = "C2DFFF", ['Heavenly Blue'] = "C6DEFF", ['Robin Egg Blue'] = "BDEDFF", ['PowderBlue'] = "B0E0E6", ['Coral Blue'] = "AFDCEC", ['LightBlue'] = "ADD8E6", ['LightSteelBlue'] = "B0CFDE", ['Gulf Blue'] = "C9DFEC", ['Pastel Light Blue'] = "D5D6EA", ['Lavender Blue'] = "E3E4FA", ['Lavender'] = "E6E6FA", ['Water'] = "EBF4FA", ['AliceBlue'] = "F0F8FF", ['GhostWhite'] = "F8F8FF", ['Azure'] = "F0FFFF", ['LightCyan'] = "E0FFFF", ['Light Slate'] = "CCFFFF", ['Electric Blue'] = "9AFEFF", ['Tron Blue'] = "7DFDFE", ['Blue Zircon'] = "57FEFF", ['Aqua'] = "00FFFF", ['Bright Cyan'] = "0AFFFF", ['Celeste'] = "50EBEC", ['Blue Diamond'] = "4EE2EC", ['Bright Turquoise'] = "16E2F5", ['Blue Lagoon'] = "8EEBEC", ['PaleTurquoise'] = "AFEEEE", ['Pale Blue Lily'] = "CFECEC", ['Tiffany Blue'] = "81D8D0", ['Blue Hosta'] = "77BFC7", ['Cyan Opaque'] = "92C7C7", ['Northern Lights Blue'] = "78C7C7", ['Blue Green'] = "7BCCB5", ['MediumAquaMarine'] = "66CDAA", ['Magic Mint'] = "AAF0D1", ['Aquamarine'] = "7FFFD4", ['Light Aquamarine'] = "93FFE8", ['Turquoise'] = "40E0D0", ['MediumTurquoise'] = "48D1CC", ['Deep Turquoise'] = "48CCCD", ['Jellyfish'] = "46C7C7", ['Blue Turquoise'] = "43C6DB", ['DarkTurquoise'] = "00CED1", ['Macaw Blue Green'] = "43BFC7", ['LightSeaGreen'] = "20B2AA", ['Seafoam Green'] = "3EA99F", ['CadetBlue'] = "5F9EA0", ['Deep-Sea'] = "3B9C9C", ['DarkCyan'] = "008B8B", ['Teal'] = "008080", ['Medium Teal'] = "045F5F", ['Deep Teal'] = "033E3E", ['DarkSlateGray'] = "25383C", ['Gunmetal'] = "2C3539", ['Blue Moss Green'] = "3C565B", ['Beetle Green'] = "4C787E", ['Grayish Turquoise'] = "5E7D7E", ['Greenish Blue'] = "307D7E", ['Aquamarine Stone'] = "348781", ['Sea Turtle Green'] = "438D80", ['Dull-Sea Green'] = "4E8975", ['Deep-Sea Green'] = "306754", ['SeaGreen'] = "2E8B57", ['Dark Mint'] = "31906E", ['Jade'] = "00A36C", ['Earth Green'] = "34A56F", ['Emerald'] = "50C878", ['Mint'] = "3EB489", ['MediumSeaGreen'] = "3CB371", ['Camouflage Green'] = "78866B", ['Sage Green'] = "848B79", ['Hazel Green'] = "617C58", ['Venom Green'] = "728C00", ['OliveDrab'] = "6B8E23", ['Olive'] = "808000", ['DarkOliveGreen'] = "556B2F", ['Army Green'] = "4B5320", ['Fern Green'] = "667C26", ['Fall Forest Green'] = "4E9258", ['Pine Green'] = "387C44", ['Medium Forest Green'] = "347235", ['Jungle Green'] = "347C2C", ['ForestGreen'] = "228B22", ['Green'] = "008000", ['DarkGreen'] = "006400", ['Deep Emerald Green'] = "046307", ['Dark Forest Green'] = "254117", ['Seaweed Green'] = "437C17", ['Shamrock Green'] = "347C17", ['Green Onion'] = "6AA121", ['Green Pepper'] = "4AA02C", ['Dark Lime Green'] = "41A317", ['Parrot Green'] = "12AD2B", ['Clover Green'] = "3EA055", ['Dinosaur Green'] = "73A16C", ['Green Snake'] = "6CBB3C", ['Alien Green'] = "6CC417", ['Green Apple'] = "4CC417", ['LimeGreen'] = "32CD32", ['Pea Green'] = "52D017", ['Kelly Green'] = "4CC552", ['Zombie Green'] = "54C571", ['Frog Green'] = "99C68E", ['DarkSeaGreen'] = "8FBC8F", ['Green Peas'] = "89C35C", ['Dollar Bill Green'] = "85BB65", ['Iguana Green'] = "9CB071", ['Acid Green'] = "B0BF1A", ['Avocado Green'] = "B2C248", ['Pistachio Green'] = "9DC209", ['Salad Green'] = "A1C935", ['YellowGreen'] = "9ACD32", ['Pastel Green'] = "77DD77", ['Hummingbird Green'] = "7FE817", ['Nebula Green'] = "59E817", ['Stoplight Go Green'] = "57E964", ['Neon Green'] = "16F529", ['Jade Green'] = "5EFB6E", ['Lime Mint Green'] = "36F57F", ['SpringGreen'] = "00FF7F", ['MediumSpringGreen'] = "00FA9A", ['Emerald Green'] = "5FFB17", ['Lime'] = "00FF00", ['LawnGreen'] = "7CFC00", ['Bright Green'] = "66FF00", ['Chartreuse'] = "7FFF00", ['Yellow Lawn Green'] = "87F717", ['Aloe Vera Green'] = "98F516", ['Dull Green Yellow'] = "B1FB17", ['GreenYellow'] = "ADFF2F", ['Chameleon Green'] = "BDF516", ['Neon Yellow Green'] = "DAEE01", ['Yellow Green Grosbeak'] = "E2F516", ['Tea Green'] = "CCFB5D", ['Slime Green'] = "BCE954", ['Algae Green'] = "64E986", ['LightGreen'] = "90EE90", ['Dragon Green'] = "6AFB92", ['PaleGreen'] = "98FB98", ['Mint Green'] = "98FF98", ['Green Thumb'] = "B5EAAA", ['Organic Brown'] = "E3F9A6", ['Light Jade'] = "C3FDB8", ['Light Rose Green'] = "DBF9DB", ['HoneyDew'] = "F0FFF0", ['MintCream'] = "F5FFFA", ['LemonChiffon'] = "FFFACD", ['Parchment'] = "FFFFC2", ['Cream'] = "FFFFCC", ['Cream White'] = "FFFDD0", ['LightGoldenRodYellow'] = "FAFAD2", ['LightYellow'] = "FFFFE0", ['Beige'] = "F5F5DC", ['Cornsilk'] = "FFF8DC", ['Blonde'] = "FBF6D9", ['Champagne'] = "F7E7CE", ['AntiqueWhite'] = "FAEBD7", ['PapayaWhip'] = "FFEFD5", ['BlanchedAlmond'] = "FFEBCD", ['Bisque'] = "FFE4C4", ['Wheat'] = "F5DEB3", ['Moccasin'] = "FFE4B5", ['Peach'] = "FFE5B4", ['Light Orange'] = "FED8B1", ['PeachPuff'] = "FFDAB9", ['NavajoWhite'] = "FFDEAD", ['Golden Blonde'] = "FBE7A1", ['Golden Silk'] = "F3E3C3", ['Dark Blonde'] = "F0E2B6", ['Light Gold'] = "F1E5AC", ['Vanilla'] = "F3E5AB", ['Tan Brown'] = "ECE5B6", ['Dirty White'] = "E8E4C9", ['PaleGoldenRod'] = "EEE8AA", ['Khaki'] = "F0E68C", ['Cardboard Brown'] = "EDDA74", ['Harvest Gold'] = "EDE275", ['Sun Yellow'] = "FFE87C", ['Corn Yellow'] = "FFF380", ['Pastel Yellow'] = "FAF884", ['Neon Yellow'] = "FFFF33", ['Yellow'] = "FFFF00", ['Canary Yellow'] = "FFEF00", ['Banana Yellow'] = "F5E216", ['Mustard Yellow'] = "FFDB58", ['Golden Yellow'] = "FFDF00", ['Bold Yellow'] = "F9DB24", ['Rubber Ducky Yellow'] = "FFD801", ['Gold'] = "FFD700", ['Bright Gold'] = "FDD017", ['Chrome Gold'] = "FFCE44", ['Golden Brown'] = "EAC117", ['Deep Yellow'] = "F6BE00", ['Macaroni and Cheese'] = "F2BB66", ['Saffron'] = "FBB917", ['Beer'] = "FBB117", ['Yellow Orange'] = "FFAE42", ['Cantaloupe'] = "FFA62F", ['Orange'] = "FFA500", ['Brown Sand'] = "EE9A4D", ['SandyBrown'] = "F4A460", ['Brown Sugar'] = "E2A76F", ['Camel Brown'] = "C19A6B", ['Deer Brown'] = "E6BF83", ['BurlyWood'] = "DEB887", ['Tan'] = "D2B48C", ['Light French Beige'] = "C8AD7F", ['Sand'] = "C2B280", ['Sage'] = "BCB88A", ['Fall Leaf Brown'] = "C8B560", ['Ginger Brown'] = "C9BE62", ['DarkKhaki'] = "BDB76B", ['Olive Green'] = "BAB86C", ['Brass'] = "B5A642", ['Cookie Brown'] = "C7A317", ['Metallic Gold'] = "D4AF37", ['Bee Yellow'] = "E9AB17", ['School Bus Yellow'] = "E8A317", ['GoldenRod'] = "DAA520", ['Orange Gold'] = "D4A017", ['Caramel'] = "C68E17", ['DarkGoldenRod'] = "B8860B", ['Cinnamon'] = "C58917", ['Peru'] = "CD853F", ['Bronze'] = "CD7F32", ['Tiger Orange'] = "C88141", ['Copper'] = "B87333", ['Dark Gold'] = "AA6C39", ['Dark Almond'] = "AB784E", ['Wood'] = "966F33", ['Oak Brown'] = "806517", ['Antique Bronze'] = "665D1E", ['Hazel'] = "8E7618", ['Dark Yellow'] = "8B8000", ['Dark Moccasin'] = "827839", ['Khaki Green'] = "8A865D", ['Bullet Shell'] = "AF9B60", ['Army Brown'] = "827B60", ['Sandstone'] = "786D5F", ['Taupe'] = "483C32", ['Mocha'] = "493D26", ['Milk Chocolate'] = "513B1C", ['Gray Brown'] = "3D3635", ['Dark Coffee'] = "3B2F2F", ['Old Burgundy'] = "43302E", ['Western Charcoal'] = "49413F", ['Bakers Brown'] = "5C3317", ['Dark Brown'] = "654321", ['Sepia Brown'] = "704214", ['Dark Bronze'] = "804A00", ['Coffee'] = "6F4E37", ['Brown Bear'] = "835C3B", ['Red Dirt'] = "7F5217", ['Sepia'] = "7F462C", ['Sienna'] = "A0522D", ['SaddleBrown'] = "8B4513", ['Dark Sienna'] = "8A4117", ['Sangria'] = "7E3817", ['Blood Red'] = "7E3517", ['Chestnut'] = "954535", ['Chestnut Red'] = "C34A2C", ['Mahogany'] = "C04000", ['Red Fox'] = "C35817", ['Dark Bisque'] = "B86500", ['Light Brown'] = "B5651D", ['Petra Gold'] = "B76734", ['Rust'] = "C36241", ['Copper Red'] = "CB6D51", ['Orange Salmon'] = "C47451", ['Chocolate'] = "D2691E", ['Sedona'] = "CC6600", ['Papaya Orange'] = "E56717", ['Halloween Orange'] = "E66C2C", ['Neon Orange'] = "FF6700", ['Bright Orange'] = "FF5F1F", ['Pumpkin Orange'] = "F87217", ['Carrot Orange'] = "F88017", ['DarkOrange'] = "FF8C00", ['Construction Cone Orange'] = "F87431", ['Indian Saffron'] = "FF7722", ['Sunrise Orange'] = "E67451", ['Mango Orange'] = "FF8040", ['Coral'] = "FF7F50", ['Basket Ball Orange'] = "F88158", ['Light Salmon Rose'] = "F9966B", ['LightSalmon'] = "FFA07A", ['DarkSalmon'] = "E9967A", ['Tangerine'] = "E78A61", ['Light Copper'] = "DA8A67", ['Salmon'] = "FA8072", ['LightCoral'] = "F08080", ['Pastel Red'] = "F67280", ['Pink Coral'] = "E77471", ['Bean Red'] = "F75D59", ['Valentine Red'] = "E55451", ['IndianRed'] = "CD5C5C", ['Tomato'] = "FF6347", ['Shocking Orange'] = "E55B3C", ['OrangeRed'] = "FF4500", ['Red'] = "FF0000", ['Neon Red'] = "FD1C03", ['Scarlet'] = "FF2400", ['Ruby Red'] = "F62217", ['Ferrari Red'] = "F70D1A", ['Fire Engine Red'] = "F62817", ['Lava Red'] = "E42217", ['Love Red'] = "E41B17", ['Grapefruit'] = "DC381F", ['Cherry Red'] = "C24641", ['Chilli Pepper'] = "C11B17", ['FireBrick'] = "B22222", ['Tomato Sauce Red'] = "B21807", ['Brown'] = "A52A2A", ['Carbon Red'] = "A70D2A", ['Cranberry'] = "9F000F", ['Saffron Red'] = "931314", ['Crimson Red'] = "990000", ['Red Wine'] = "990012", ['DarkRed'] = "8B0000", ['Maroon'] = "800000", ['Burgundy'] = "8C001A", ['Vermilion'] = "7E191B", ['Deep Red'] = "800517", ['Red Blood'] = "660000", ['Blood Night'] = "551606", ['Dark Scarlet'] = "560319", ['Black Bean'] = "3D0C02", ['Chocolate Brown'] = "3F000F", ['Midnight'] = "2B1B17", ['Purple Lily'] = "550A35", ['Purple Maroon'] = "810541", ['Plum Pie'] = "7D0541", ['Plum Velvet'] = "7D0552", ['Dark Raspberry'] = "872657", ['Velvet Maroon'] = "7E354D", ['Rosy-Finch'] = "7F4E52", ['Dull Purple'] = "7F525D", ['Puce'] = "7F5A58", ['Rose Dust'] = "997070", ['Rosy Pink'] = "B38481", ['RosyBrown'] = "BC8F8F", ['Khaki Rose'] = "C5908E", ['Lipstick Pink'] = "C48793", ['Pink Brown'] = "C48189", ['Pink Daisy'] = "E799A3", ['Dusty Pink'] = "D58A94", ['Rose'] = "E8ADAA", ['Silver Pink'] = "C4AEAD", ['Rose Gold'] = "ECC5C0", ['Deep Peach'] = "FFCBA4", ['Pastel Orange'] = "F8B88B", ['Desert Sand'] = "EDC9AF", ['Unbleached Silk'] = "FFDDCA", ['Pig Pink'] = "FDD7E4", ['Blush'] = "FFE6E8", ['MistyRose'] = "FFE4E1", ['Pink Bubble Gum'] = "FFDFDD", ['Light Red'] = "FFCCCB", ['Light Rose'] = "FBCFCD", ['Deep Rose'] = "FBBBB9", ['Pink'] = "FFC0CB", ['LightPink'] = "FFB6C1", ['Donut Pink'] = "FAAFBE", ['Baby Pink'] = "FAAFBA", ['Flamingo Pink'] = "F9A7B0", ['Pastel Pink'] = "FEA3AA", ['Rose Pink'] = "E7A1B0", ['Cadillac Pink'] = "E38AAE", ['Carnation Pink'] = "F778A1", ['Blush Red'] = "E56E94", ['PaleVioletRed'] = "DB7093", ['Purple Pink'] = "D16587", ['Tulip Pink'] = "C25A7C", ['Bashful Pink'] = "C25283", ['Dark Pink'] = "E75480", ['Dark Hot Pink'] = "F660AB", ['HotPink'] = "FF69B4", ['Watermelon Pink'] = "FC6C85", ['Violet Red'] = "F6358A", ['Hot Deep Pink'] = "F52887", ['DeepPink'] = "FF1493", ['Neon Pink'] = "F535AA", ['Neon Hot Pink'] = "FD349C", ['Pink Cupcake'] = "E45E9D", ['Dimorphotheca Magenta'] = "E3319D", ['Pink Lemonade'] = "E4287C", ['Raspberry'] = "E30B5D", ['Crimson'] = "DC143C", ['Bright Maroon'] = "C32148", ['Rose Red'] = "C21E56", ['Rogue Pink'] = "C12869", ['Burnt Pink'] = "C12267", ['Pink Violet'] = "CA226B", ['MediumVioletRed'] = "C71585", ['Dark Carnation Pink'] = "C12283", ['Raspberry Purple'] = "B3446C", ['Pink Plum'] = "B93B8F", ['Orchid'] = "DA70D6", ['Deep Mauve'] = "DF73D4", ['Violet'] = "EE82EE", ['Bright Neon Pink'] = "F433FF", ['Fuchsia'] = "FF00FF", ['Crimson Purple'] = "E238EC", ['Heliotrope Purple'] = "D462FF", ['Tyrian Purple'] = "C45AEC", ['MediumOrchid'] = "BA55D3", ['Purple Flower'] = "A74AC7", ['Orchid Purple'] = "B048B5", ['Pastel Violet'] = "D291BC", ['Mauve Taupe'] = "915F6D", ['Viola Purple'] = "7E587E", ['Eggplant'] = "614051", ['Plum Purple'] = "583759", ['Grape'] = "5E5A80", ['Purple Navy'] = "4E5180", ['SlateBlue'] = "6A5ACD", ['Blue Lotus'] = "6960EC", ['Light Slate Blue'] = "736AFF", ['MediumSlateBlue'] = "7B68EE", ['Periwinkle Purple'] = "7575CF", ['Very Peri'] = "6667AB", ['Bright Grape'] = "6F2DA8", ['Purple Amethyst'] = "6C2DC7", ['Bright Purple'] = "6A0DAD", ['Deep Periwinkle'] = "5453A6", ['DarkSlateBlue'] = "483D8B", ['Purple Haze'] = "4E387E", ['Purple Iris'] = "571B7E", ['Dark Purple'] = "4B0150", ['Deep Purple'] = "36013F", ['Purple Monster'] = "461B7E", ['Indigo'] = "4B0082", ['Blue Whale'] = "342D7E", ['RebeccaPurple'] = "663399", ['Purple Jam'] = "6A287E", ['DarkMagenta'] = "8B008B", ['Purple'] = "800080", ['French Lilac'] = "86608E", ['DarkOrchid'] = "9932CC", ['DarkViolet'] = "9400D3", ['Purple Violet'] = "8D38C9", ['Jasmine Purple'] = "A23BEC", ['Purple Daffodil'] = "B041FF", ['Clematis Violet'] = "842DCE", ['BlueViolet'] = "8A2BE2", ['Purple Sage Bush'] = "7A5DC7", ['Lovely Purple'] = "7F38EC", ['Neon Purple'] = "9D00FF", ['Purple Plum'] = "8E35EF", ['Aztech Purple'] = "893BFF", ['Lavender Purple'] = "967BB6", ['MediumPurple'] = "9370DB", ['Light Purple'] = "8467D7", ['Crocus Purple'] = "9172EC", ['Purple Mimosa'] = "9E7BFF", ['Periwinkle'] = "CCCCFF", ['Pale Lilac'] = "DCD0FF", ['Mauve'] = "E0B0FF", ['Bright Lilac'] = "D891EF", ['Rich Lilac'] = "B666D2", ['Purple Dragon'] = "C38EC7", ['Lilac'] = "C8A2C8", ['Plum'] = "DDA0DD", ['Blush Pink'] = "E6A9EC", ['Pastel Purple'] = "F2A2E8", ['Blossom Pink'] = "F9B7FF", ['Wisteria Purple'] = "C6AEC7", ['Purple Thistle'] = "D2B9D3", ['Thistle'] = "D8BFD8", ['Periwinkle Pink'] = "E9CFEC", ['Cotton Candy'] = "FCDFFF", ['Lavender Pinocchio'] = "EBDDE2", ['Dark White'] = "E1D9D1", ['Ash White'] = "E9E4D4", ['White Chocolate'] = "EDE6D6", ['Soft Ivory'] = "FAF0DD", ['Off White'] = "F8F0E3", ['Pearl White'] = "F8F6F0", ['LavenderBlush'] = "FFF0F5", ['Pearl'] = "FDEEF4", ['Egg Shell'] = "FFF9E3", ['OldLace'] = "FDF5E6", ['Linen'] = "FAF0E6", ['SeaShell'] = "FFF5EE", ['Rice'] = "FAF5EF", ['FloralWhite'] = "FFFAF0", ['Ivory'] = "FFFFF0", ['Light White'] = "FFFFF7", ['WhiteSmoke'] = "F5F5F5", ['Cotton'] = "FBFBF9", ['Snow'] = "FFFAFA", ['Milk White'] = "FEFCFF", ['White'] = "FFFFFF" } colorTab = {} for i, v in pairs(colors) do colorTab[i] = ""..i.."" end HACK.enabled = {} HACK.hackTab = {} FILE = gg.EXT_FILES_DIR.."/"".lpid" FILE =, "r") if FILE ~= nil then local LINE1 = FILE:read("*l") FILE = FILE:read("*a") local LPID = string.match(LINE1, "%d+") if tonumber(LPID) == tonumber(gg.getTargetInfo().pid) then local stat, err = load(FILE) if not stat then toast.error(err) end end end function savefile() local FILE = gg.EXT_FILES_DIR.."/"".lpid", "w+"):write("--PID=""\nreturn "..tostring(HACK)) end function colorText() local s = {"","",""} local colorCode = gg.prompt({ "Select your color by name or by mixing colors together (RRGGBB)\nLet empty and click OK to see all available colors.\nMake sure to write the name with the uppercases !", "Use color name (let unchecked to use RGB)", "Red [0;255]", "Green [0;255]", "Blue [0;255]" }, nil, { [1] = 'text', [2] = 'checkbox', [3] = 'number', [4] = 'number', [5] = 'number' }) if colorCode[2] then local selColor = gg.choice(colorTab, 0) if selColor == nil then return false end coloring = colors[selColor] else coloring = s[1]..string.format("%02x", colorCode[3])..s[2]..string.format("%02x", colorCode[4])..s[3]..string.format("%02x", colorCode[5]) end gg.copyText("["..coloring.."[-]]") toast.success("Copied:\n["..coloring.."[-]]\nYou can now paste it in chat.") gg.sleep(1000) return true end function sGenderColor() local colorGenderTab = { "Male", "Female", } if colorGender ~= nil then colorGenderTab[3] = "Last modification" end ::GENC:: colorChoice = gg.choice(colorGenderTab, 0, "Select your animal gender") if colorChoice == nil then goto GENC end if colorChoice == 2 then colorGender = "ff69b4" end if colorChoice == 1 then colorGender = "00bfff" end ::SETCOLOR:: local selColor = gg.choice(colorTab, 0) if selColor == nil then goto SETCOLOR end coloring = colors[selColor] sN(";"..colorGender, word) if gg.getResultsCount() == 0 then return false end gR(1000) eA(";"..coloring, word) colorGender = coloring return true end -- sGenderColor function doHack(s,r,e,t,tb,en) gg.clearResults() gg.setVisible(false) if HACK.hackTab[tb] == nil and HACK.enabled[tb] == nil then gg.searchNumber(s,t) if gg.getResultsCount() == 0 then return false, "Value not found" end if r ~= nil then gg.refineNumber(r,t) end HACK.hackTab[tb] = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()) gg.clearResults() if HACK.enabled[tb] == nil then HACK.enabled[tb] = false end end if en == nil then en = true end gg.loadResults(HACK.hackTab[tb]) gg.getResults(#HACK.hackTab[tb]) if HACK.enabled[tb] then eA(s,t) if en then HACK.enabled[tb] = false end else eA(e,t) if en then HACK.enabled[tb] = true end gg.clearResults() end return true end function doHackS(a, c) local formStringTab = { "00" .. c .. "hW", "0000", } for i = 1, #a do local byte1 = string.byte(a, i) if byte1 then table.insert(formStringTab, string.format("%02x%02x", 00, byte1) .. "hW") end end local s = "" for i = 1, #formStringTab do s = s .. formStringTab[i] .. ";" end return s end function antiCrash() gg.setRanges(Xa) sVis(false) local rs, ef if gg.getTargetInfo().x64 == true then rs, ef = doHack("-15165", nil, "~T NOP", word, "antiCrash1", false) if rs == false then return false, ef.."x64.1" end rs, ef = doHack("-29214", nil, "~T NOP", word, "antiCrash2", false) if rs == false then return false, ef.."x64.2" end rs, ef = doHack("22584", nil, "~T NOP", word, "antiCrash3", true) if rs == false then return false, ef.."x64.3" end else rs, ef = doHack("h104C2DE908B08DE29C009F", nil, "h0000A0E31EFF2FE1", word, "antiCrash1", false) if rs == false then return false, ef.."x32.1" end rs, ef = doHack("h104C2DE908B08DE258009FE500", nil, "h0000A0E31EFF2FE1", word, "antiCrash2", false) if rs == false then return false, ef.."x32.2" end rs, ef = doHack("hC4C3FFEAF0482DE9", nil, "h0000A0E31EFF2FE1", word, "antiCrash3", true) if rs == false then return false, ef.."x32.3" end end end function sImmortalBlood() return doHack(";Effect/BloodEffect", nil, ";Effect/KittyEffect", word, "sImmortalBlood", true) end function sFly() return doHack("1034147594", nil, "1111111111", dword, "sFly", true) end function sAnimalCall() return doHack(";TE", nil, ";EN", word, "sAnimalCall", true) end function sPOS_Name() return doHack(";PlayerNameUi", nil, ";PlayerNullUi", word, "sPOS_Name", true) end function sPOS_Power() return doHack(";Power", nil, ";ARM64", word, "sPOS_Power", true) end function sPOS_Player() return doHack(";Player", nil, ";DISASM", word, "sPOS_Player", true) end function sWeatherImmune() return doHack(";DownDie", nil, ";il2cpp2", word, "sWeatherImmune", true) end function sPowerCooldownCarnivore() if doHack("30.44038200378F;30.0F;30.0F::21", "30", "30", float, "sPowerCooldownCarnivore", true) then if HACK.enabled["sPowerCooldownCarnivore"] then HACK.hackTab["sPowerCooldownCarnivore"][2].freeze = true gg.setValues(HACK.hackTab["sPowerCooldownCarnivore"]) gg.addListItems(HACK.hackTab["sPowerCooldownCarnivore"]) return true else gg.clearList() return true end else return false, "Value not found" end end function sPowerCooldownHerbivore() if doHack("40.88076400757F;40.0F;40.0F::21", "40", "40", float, "sPowerCooldownHerbivore", true) then if HACK.enabled["sPowerCooldownHerbivore"] then HACK.hackTab["sPowerCooldownHerbivore"][2].freeze = true gg.setValues(HACK.hackTab["sPowerCooldownHerbivore"]) gg.addListItems(HACK.hackTab["sPowerCooldownHerbivore"]) return true else gg.clearList() return true end else return false, "Value not found" end end function sPowerCooldownOmniBird() if doHack("35.88076400757F;35.0F;35.0F::21", "35", "35", float, "sPowerCooldownOmniBird", true) then if HACK.enabled["sPowerCooldownOmniBird"] then HACK.hackTab["sPowerCooldownOmniBird"][2].freeze = true gg.setValues(HACK.hackTab["sPowerCooldownOmniBird"]) gg.addListItems(HACK.hackTab["sPowerCooldownOmniBird"]) return true else gg.clearList() return true end else return false, "Value not found" end end --OnAttackDam = immo function sSummonCorpse() --[[All skin gender : Lion Boar Cow Moose Sheep LonghornCow Deer]] if wasTransformed ~= true then local animalTable = { "Wolf", "Fox", "Hyena", "Cheetah", "Leopard", "Lynx", "PolarBear", "Crocodile", "Bear", "Lion", "Lioness", "Tiger", "Penguin", "Snake", "Fennec", "KomodoDragon", "GoliathSpider", "GiantAnteater", "Male Deer", "Female Deer", "Gazelle", "Zebra", "Camel", "Male Sheep", "Female Sheep", "Donkey", "Buffalo", "Moose", "Giraffe", "Gorilla", "Rhinoceros", "Elephant", "Male LonghornCow", "Female LonghornCow", "Tapir", "Male Cow", "Female Cow", "Horse", "Wildebeest", "Capybara", "Beaver", "Male Boar", "Female Boar", "Ostrich", "Hippo", "Kangaroo", "Panda", "Raccoon", "Armadillo", "Turtle", "AfricanSpurredTortoise", "Otter", "Walrus", "Crow", "Pigeon", "Sparrow", "BarnOwl", "Vogel", "RedCrownedCrane", "BaldEagle", "HarpyEagle", "Secretarybird", "Seagull", "SouthernCassowary", "Moa", "Vulture", "Zombie_A", "Zombie_B", "Ent", "Hydra", "Fishman", "Dragon", } local c = gg.choice(animalTable, 0, "Select your current animal") if c == nil then return nil, "No selection" end local a = animalTable[c] local f = "" if a:find("Male") then f = "_M" end if a:find("Female") then f = "_W" end if a:find("Dragon") then f = "_Boss" end a = a:match("(%a+)$") or a:match("%s(%a+)") a = a..f local sS = string.format("%02x", 15 + string.len(a)) local d = gg.choice(animalTable, 0, "Select the animal your corpse will become") if d == nil then return nil, "No selection" end local b = animalTable[d] f = "" if b:find("Male") then f = "_M" end if b:find("Female") then f = "_W" end if b:find("Dragon") then f = "_Boss" end b = b:match("(%a+)$") or b:match("%s(%a+)") b = b..f local sE = string.format("%02x", 15 + string.len(b)) a = "Player Ragdoll_"..a b = "Player Ragdoll_"..b searchStrO = ";"..string.char("0x"..sS)..string.char(0x0)..a searchStr = doHackS(a, sS).."-32767~32767::"..tostring((tonumber("0x"..sS)*3)) editStrO = ";"..string.char("0x"..sE)..string.char(0x0)..b editStr = doHackS(b, sE).."-32767~32767::"..tostring((tonumber("0x"..sE)*3)) gg.searchNumber(searchStr, word) if gg.getResultsCount() == 0 then return false, "No value found" end gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()) gg.editAll(editStrO, word) wasTransformed = true return true else gg.searchNumber(searchStrO, word) if gg.getResultsCount() == 0 then return false, "No value found" end gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()) gg.editAll(editStr, word) wasTransformed = false return true end end function sMorphTemp(currentAnimal) local animalTable = { "Wolf", "Fox", "Hyena", "Cheetah", "Leopard", "Lynx", "PolarBear", "Crocodile", "Bear", "Lion", "Tiger", "Penguin", "Snake", "Fennec", "KomodoDragon", "GoliathSpider", "GiantAnteater", "Deer", "Gazelle", "Zebra", "Camel", "Sheep", "Donkey", "Buffalo", "Moose", "Giraffe", "Gorilla", "Rhinoceros", "Elephant", "LonghornCow_M", "LonghornCow_W", "Tapir", "Cow", "Horse", "Wildebeest", "Capybara", "Beaver", "Sheep", "Boar", "Ostrich", "Hippo", "Kangaroo", "Panda", "Raccoon", "Armadillo", "Turtle", "Otter", "Walrus", "Crow", "Pigeon", "Sparrow", "BarnOwl", "Vogel", "RedCrownedCrane", "BaldEagle", "HarpyEagle", "Secretarybird", "Seagull", "SouthernCassowary", "Moa", "Vulture", "Zombie_A", "Zombie_B", "Ent", "Hydra", "Fishman", } if currentAnimal ~= nil then vl = animalTable[currentAnimal] end if currentAnimal == nil then local vl = gg.choice(animalTable, 0, "Select your current animal") if vl == nil then gg.alert("No animal selected") return false end vl = animalTable[vl] end local vl2 = gg.choice(animalTable, 0, "Select animal to switch to") if vl2 == nil then gg.alert("No animal selected") return false end currentAnimal = vl2 vl2 = animalTable[vl2] local strSearchVal = 21 + string.len(vl) local strEditVal = 21 + string.len(vl2) local strSearch = "Q"..string.format("%x", strSearchVal).."000000\"Character Controller_"..vl.."\"" local strEdit = "Q"..string.format("%x", strEditVal).."000000\"Character Controller_"..vl2.."\"" gg.clearResults() gg.searchNumber(strSearch, gg.TYPE_WORD) gg.refineNumber("Q \"Character\"", gg.TYPE_WORD) gg.refineNumber(":C", gg.TYPE_BYTE) if gg.getResultsCount() == 0 then gg.alert("Error :\n"..vl.." not found") return end V = gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()) V1 = gg.getResultsCount() gg.clearResults() for i = 1, V1 do if V[i] ~= nil then local addr1 = "0x"..string.format("%x", V[i].address-4) local addr2 = "0x"..string.format("%x", V[i].address+strEditVal*4) gg.startFuzzy(gg.TYPE_BYTE, addr1, addr2) gg.getResults(gg.getResultsCount()) gg.editAll(strEdit, gg.TYPE_BYTE) gg.clearResults() V[i] = nil end end toast.success(vl.." → "..vl2.." Successful") gg.sleep(1000) gg.setVisible(false) return true end function sGender() gg.setRanges(A) ::GENDER:: genChoice = gg.prompt({ "Select the gender of your animal", "Female", "Male" },{}, { [1] = 'text', [2] = 'checkbox', [3] = 'checkbox' }) if genChoice[2] == true then setGender = ";♀" end if genChoice[3] == true then setGender = ";♂" end if genChoice[1] == "" then s = {} for i = 1, 65535 do s[i] = "U+"..string.format("%x", i)..": [ "..utf8.char("0x"..string.format("%x", i)).." ]" end charlist = gg.choice(s) if charlist ~= nil then gg.copyText(s[charlist]) else goto GENDER end goto GENDER end sN(setGender, word) if gg.getResultsCount() == 0 then return false end gR(1000) eA(";"..genChoice[1], word) setGender = ";"..genChoice[1] return true end -- sGender